Canadian/Australian singer-songwriter Robert Ross is once again setting the stage for an unforgettable musical journey with the release of his...
Brian Cottrill of the band Dream Trippers had a lifelong aspiration to record at Sun Studio. “When I was growing...
Step aside, music fans, and make way for the one and only Lord Bolt This multi-talented musician is a force...
How do you review a Jackslacks (a.k.a. Chris Giorgio) album? How do you review an album when you know, before...
ACE DIAMOND's brand new video just released this week on YouTube is fun/upbeat tune that will "knock your socks off"....
It is with immense relief that I can say after listening to the new Stoner Train album for the second...
Based in London, Ontario Twin.Fin is 5 piece high energy Swing, Rockabilly, Blues and Jazz band. They perform original songs along...