Melanie Penny emerges as a formidable force, drawing inspiration from a diverse array of musical influences that include Sleeping With...
Get ready to unleash your inner rebel and dive headfirst into the exhilarating sonic universe of Shout London, the electrifying...
"Admit It" by Shout London, is a relatable and emotionally charged song about the aftermath of a failed relationship. The...
"Here's To Us Staying Honest..." is a surprise package of nostalgic songs from 2000’s pop-punk and alternative rock stalwarts Remember...
Posharay is the epitome of the forward-thinking multi-genre artist. He moves from alternative rock to rap, hip-hop and pop, to...
The Florida-raised and Cambridge-based singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer TJ Whiting aka Phelixx Lake explodes onto the scene with his...
Josie Elysia is a Canadian singer-songwriter based in Windsor ON. While she was drawn to the creative arts at a...
Soggie is a duo from Apex, North Carolina. The group is composed of Ace Kim (18) and Bobby Cnare (19)...
FuzzKill is a four-piece rock band that started in Boston, MA. Introduced to one another through musical theatre, the band’s...
The latest from the Nashville songwriter bursts at the seams with pop punk energy. Known for his ability to seamlessly...
For the first time, since I can’t even remember when, old school Pop-punk is making its way back into the...