The art-house film FORECLOSURE produced by Natalis Group is now available for streaming and film festivals. A science fiction drama...
“Shaky Ground” is an album that impresses for its maturity and smart aesthetic choices, and it positions Maki and Papp...
SHAKY GROUND ALBUM LAUNCH ON RADIO KXPB 89.1 FM-LP The new international album release of 'Shaky Ground' by Maki will...
The masterminds behind the alternative project “DEMORATION EP45 #1” is Maki, an accomplished music producer and film maker living on an...
It’s sometimes hard to find the words that accurately bring justice to avant-garde electronic works. With an artist like Maki...
The August 2019 issue of our monthly Indie Music Magazine - FEATURED THIS MONTH - Bad Bones, J Tizzle, Zero...
The May 2019 issue of our monthly Indie Music Magazine - FEATURED THIS MONTH - Dr Ally K, Tony Marino,...
The bottom line with Maki’s music is that it doesn’t hit you from the outside, to make you realize it’s...
The February 2018 issue of our monthly Indie Music Magazine - FEATURED THIS MONTH: Kitson Lau, Blue Soul Ten ,...
The world is a fragmented place, with fear and hate giving rise to isolationist movements around the globe and huge...