Elliot Pemartín, who goes by the moniker Malísima, is an experimental artist and DJ who has gained significant recognition in...
After wrestling with the pandemic, Fran Dominguez aka Forest Robots, has resurfaced with a masterpiece in wistful, cathartic electro-acoustic explorations, his brand...
Emmasierra Songs and Elm Records recently presented “Horst & Graben”, the sixth album and second full length release of 2021...
Let’s start by saying that Fran Dominguez aka Forest Robots compositional creativity is great, but his constant evolution makes him...
“After Geography” is the fourth Forest Robots full-length album following, 2018's ‘Supermoon Moonlight Part I’ and ‘Timberline And Mountain Crest’,...
You could call this ambient, experimental, drone, avant-garde, cinematic or simply electronic music, the fact is “Emergent Narrative”, is so...
Natt Moore: “Drive: Vol. 1” is an example of Nat’s understanding of a collective work as an art form
Natt Moore is an artist who produces music in a variety of genres, including electronic, instrumental, ambient, dance, and drone....
Contempstrumental Records’ electronica, experimental, and ambient, composer and producer based in United Kingdom, Natt Moore, has dropped his latest ambient...