Award-winning artist Miss Money has worked with major league artists and labels. Her music video for “On the Nephs” aired on BET, MTV and played on major stations in Africa. Her song “tFone” features Boosie Badazz. Miss Money has also headlined shows with artists such as Dej Loaf, Young MA, Boosie Badazz, Jadakiss, Cardi B, Da Babay, Jimmy Wopo and Wiz Khalifa. The Pittsburgh rapper started a RICH CHICKZ movement which was inspired by her music and clothing. Miss Money is currently pushing her latest single “Mrs. Parker” produced by Stevie Beats. It has an awesome, crisp dancehall-flavored beat with smart sexy lyrics, offering a sensual yet fresh twist on hip hop. She peaks into emotions and feelings of hers that all of us have and she’s just laying it out there for everyone, while keeping it real.
“Mrs. Parker” is vulnerable and ferocious, lewd and witty, with blunt-force charisma and more range than anyone has any right to expect. The song is delivered with infectious force. Miss Money shows off focus and brevity.
She is vivid and startling, and hell-bent on not wasting even a second of your time. What makes “Mrs. Parker” even more impressive is that it never drags, never settles, and never dilutes the rapper’s exuberant vibe. Every verse on the track matters to her, and she lets you know it.
It’s also a perfect pop song, the way it ping-pongs from well-worn catchy clichés to razor-sharp wittiness. But the way Miss Money herself handles the chorus of “Mrs. Parker” is what sticks with you, as she digs into the sing-song groove: “Now do your thing, thing, do your thing, thing, do your thing, thing, do it.”
And when she jumps back onto the verse, it’s her impressively catchy flow that captures everything that Miss Money is praised for — her punchlines, her delivery and her personality. This is a sexy passion-loaded female empowerment anthem that spares no lyrical excess in its over three minute run time.
“Mrs. Parker” shows off Miss Money’s best qualities and makes a point that she has nothing to hide. Here she takes control of her sentiments, her desires, her sexuality, and control of her sound.
This would normally be cataloged under the overused rap tropes department, but this track makes a seemingly recognizable narrative feel fresh, mainly because of Miss Money’s uniquely female perspective. The track lays out the artist’s personal narrative while also proving her to be a deeper, more diverse talent than she’s previously let on.
With its Caribbean groove, the effervescent “Mrs. Parker” is deeply connected to Miss Money’s personal essence; the song presents an artist confident enough to expand her sound but smart enough, not to drift too far from her wheelhouse.
All the while, Miss Money’s explosive personality translates flawlessly into confidence-saturated rhymes. This track will undoubtedly be heard all summer in crowded clubs. Miss Money’s song will radiate through the hearts of infatuated lovers everywhere.
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