Daniel T. Ritter: “Wulfheart” – somewhere between a classical recital and a movie soundtrack

Daniel T. Ritter is a German musician, author and illustrator who is currently promoting his album entitled “Wulfheart”. The name comes from the main character in Ritter’s novel series called “Alfric Wulfheart”, which is a well-known Book Series in Germany.

Ritter has also published a short story in English, called “Wulfheart Noref’s Expedition” and this year his book, “Aufbruch in eine neue Welt” will also be translated. “Wulfheart” –the album is an Instrumental mix of classic, epic, medieval and cinematic Sounds. The peculiarity is that all the songs have been played and recorded live without any post-production editing or mixing etc.

daniel-t-ritter-coverIt’s clear from the very first listen that Ritter’s music and style is not for everyone. Especially those hooked on rhythm and percussion, “Wulfheart” sits somewhere between a classical recital and a movie soundtrack. The recordings are mono-instrumental, so don’t expect layers of overdubbed tracks and sophisticated arrangements. Ritter does of course change the instrumentation from time to time, so you may hear what sounds like a harpsichord on one track, an organ on another or orchestral strings on yet another.

At times tranquil and spiritual, at others excited and uplifting, Ritter moves effortlessly through the 14 tracks on “Wulfheart”. The music is timeless, haunting, and almost defies further description.

Cradled by land, lifted by the wind, commune with the spirits; using a single instrument Daniel T. Ritter transports you into his world. Partake, feel the peace, the power, know that there is more present than you can see, than you can hear. Close your eyes and let your mind build a picture of the places or the feelings in the songs.

Whatever your view of music, this will take you into a state of oneness with it. “Wulfheart” cuts through all of the layers of complex modern music and therefore modern-life itself; expressing something so pure and deep it can only be of the spirit.

Tracks of interest are “When The World Dies”, “The Awakening Of An Unknown World”, “Rayas Liebe (Raya’s Love)”, “Eisenbergen”, “Seemannslied”, “Olivias Brief” and “The End of the Journey?” Close your eyes and simply allow the harmonic tones on these songs to take you into a world of contemplation and beauty.

“Wulfheart” is soothing yet energizing as Daniel T. Ritter produces a romantic, healing, while vaguely haunting music that gently transports you back to a time when music was more than just entertainment.

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