Art does not mean just paintings, sculptures, or photographs, as art also comes in the form of videos i.e films as well. In fact, the attention and interest of the audience are more efficiently captured with the help of films, due to the motion and evolution of images that unroll in front of their eyes. Practically, a film says more than one image, being a form of art that is more complex, stirring an entire set of emotions and experiences in the heart and mind of the viewer. Having all these in mind, it is no wonder that films gained a lot of terrain in the past years and fascinated us with their content ever since this art form appeared.
Most of us live fast-paced lives, always on the rush to gain more financial stability and material things, thinking that this way we will know real happiness. But, unfortunately, suffocated by our quotidian routine and concrete walls, we stray further away from happiness, feeling that something is missing even though success, financial stability, and owning various assets are part of our lives. What is missing is our habit to slow down and take time to enjoy the small details that make this world so fascinating and our lives so beautiful. Art, thus, is needed to remind people that there is more to this world than just pursuing material riches. With the help of art, we can slow down, get unplugged from the suffocating modern life, and rediscover the simple joys of life and lack of worries.

Nishit Gajjar, the producer of ‘Ljósop’ (The Aperture) decided to start this project and created a unique film to show people what they are missing while they are sunk in their ordinary lives. If we could just stop for a moment, take a deep breath, and look around, we could discover so much tranquility, balance, and beauty. We need to step away from the hustle and bustle of the modern city and find escapes where we can reconnect with ourselves and the surrounding environment. So the mission of this film is to show people what they forgot to notice while being so busy, day after day, things that exist in the world in which they live, things that are seen but not noticed anymore. The producer wanted to turn on the switch of the views toward a different perspective, one that can represent an ointment to the stress and clutter of everyday lives.
This is not the first project of the kind for Nishit Gajjar. He is a renowned screenplay writer, musician and producer from India, who has also produced Time Elapses a short film and worked on post production of viral 11 minutes movie and numerous music videos and short films. He has been featured in national and international newspapers and various film, music magazines globally. His film, Time Elapses, also had soundtrack that was entirely made on Android platform by him. Thus, he became the first producer to ever adopt such a technique, showing that he is more than capable to think outside the box and look for solutions in completely new environments. The unique aspect of ‘Ljósop’ (The Aperture) is that the background score for this film is also composed on android platform in Caustic 3 application! It is a really breathtaking and beautifully made film with a powerful background score.
The film is captivating right from the start because it manages to make you see that life has various facets we forget to notice as we are buried deep in worries and material goals. Nishit Gajjar managed to create a film that opens the eyes of people in a spiritual manner, helping them realize that happiness and fulfillment lies in the small things. A simple walk to the beach, enjoying the rain, the sunset, life in general at a slower pace, is the perfect way to escape the unease triggered by the modern society and its shallow values.
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