Darren Power: “Take Me Anywhere” stands above the norm!

Darren Power is a 23 year old singer songwriter from Waterford Ireland who is inspired by the melodies of artists such as Paolo Nutini, Jake Bugg, The Beatles and Noel Gallagher. After many years of performing in bands Darren has composed of a number of songs over the previous year which he hopes to get recorded and released to a worldwide market. Focusing on melodies and sing-a-long choruses Darren hopes to excel at live shows with his songs, “Take Me Anywhere”, being the first.

darren-power-200Notwithstanding the fact that this is a demo single, Darren Power stands above the norm. His songs are soothing, energetic, and full of emotion; the kind of emotion that abandoned singer-songwriter music back in the late 60s. Everything about “Take Me Anywhere” is good. Everything from the melody to the words, it’s so easy to listen to and the amount of talent is amazing.

There is usually a time and a place for each type of music, but “Take Me Anywhere” can be played in almost any setting because it will appeal to a wide audience. Time and time again I find myself tapping my foot and bobbing my head to this acoustic-guitar driven song. Darren Power is one of those artists that you can listen to without getting tired of.

The works of some of the really great young artists out there don’t fall under mainstream music so one must spend a lot of time searching for them or exploring somebody else’s suggestions or artist choices. This is the case with Darren Power, made even harder by the fact that he is just on the outset of his solo recording career. But stumbling over Darren Power’s “Take Me Anywhere” track is an exhilarating for anyone searching to discover new artists.

Darren conveys much emotion in his tone and each inflection carries with it meaning that penetrates the listener. The upbeat acoustic guitar strumming on “Take Me Anywhere”, kind of forces you to sit back and enjoy the ride. What I’m getting at is that you should give this track more than a test listen; don’t just play it in the background while you’re doing something else. Put this on and

Darren Power
Darren Power

just sit back and listen to it. Make that the entire activity. Take the time to really listen and I think you’ll quickly appreciate what a promising artist we have on our hands here. Hopefully Darren Power will be releasing some more tracks or even an album soon!






Rick Jamm

Journalist, publicist and indie music producer with a fervent passion for electric guitars and mixing desks !

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