started out playing drums at a very young age, but it was only when he turned 15 and his older brother thought it would be good for him to learn more than one instrument that his love for guitar, singing and songwriting was born. Growing up in a family where his dad was an opera singer and his brothers’ able musical craftsmen as well, Shaun soon started writing, recording and producing his own music.
It wasn’t long before the South African artist gained traction in his home country, winning the SAMA 2014 Adult Contemporary Album of the Year, as well as nominations for Best Producer and Best Mix Engineer. He now seemed ready to make the jump from the pond into the great big ocean. Hence the move from South Africa to Los Angeles.
And right off the cuff, Shaun is featured on the Gold and Platinum hit-maker, Bruno Martini’s single “YOUNGR”, released the 19th October and produced by Timbaland and Bruno Martini, who currently has close to 1 billion streams on Spotify.
To complete his initial international thrust Shaun Jacobs is releasing his latest single “Rollin’”, which will be available via Mulholland Records and all major digital download stores.
Shaun Jacobs’ rapid ascension from nobody to somebody means that every subsequent move he makes needs to be well thought out, and with “Rollin’” he meets all expectations. Opening like a cinematic scene-setter, it’s clear that the track is here to prove that Shaun has formulated a gritty chart-topping sound which draws from all his talents and charms and churns them into a track that’s both brooding and confident.
Shaun plays the tormented narrator throughout the verses, while the choruses have a soulful feeling which is impossible not to be swept up in. The emotion Shaun puts into his music also adds to the beauty of it. The track’s imagery is powerful and presents feelings of nostalgia to the listener.
Without a doubt, Shaun Jacobs has a built-in ability to transport you into whatever world he determines, as the song gives you the impression that it’s a life you’ve lived – a testament to his songwriting ability. With his new release, it’s obvious that Shaun is a man on a mission.
“Rollin’” sees the singer-songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist fuse nuanced flavors into his own brand of alternative rock — relying on infectious pop hooks and soulful vocals. The introspective lyricism provides an insight into the ponderings of those who believe in the light and goodness of the world but need to rediscover their guidance to escape the darkness.
This all adds up to a solid single that presents an immediate difference to what went before, even if it does not roam too far from the roots of Shaun’s past. The anthemic track presents a sense of urgency, combined with an animated build-up and release.
Commanded by soaring vocals and invigorated production, “Rollin’” is a thoroughly immersive ride that shows Shaun Jacobs has plenty of ideas brimming in his head for the future.
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