The new single “I Walk You Into The World” by Pietro Cottone continues his trend of multi-faceted music making, but it is much less a simple sequel than a reinvention of what he is trying to do with his music. Producer, composer, lyricist, arranger, electric guitars, keyboards, and backing vocals, are just some of the tasks Palermo-born (Italy) Cottone is taking care of in this project. He also scripted the song’s accompanying music video. Considering that Pietro Cottone is also an Associate Professor in the Departments of Pharmacology and Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine, where he researches on neuropsychiatric disorders, we can easily gauge the measure of the man, as well as the grasp and reach of his intellect. All of which positively impacts his music creations, and as such, “I Walk You Into The World”.
To be perfectly honest, Pietro Cottone has never failed to impress me before, as I thoroughly enjoyed his immaculate concept album “Fight For Their Rights”, which unfolded the songwriter’s perspective of the social and political challenges the world continually faces. “I Walk You Into The World” is an extension of that concept, with Cottone, once again looking at the evils that undermine our ability to coexist with others in respect and harmony.
Pietro Cottone immediately throws down the gauntlet from the opening lines of the song, impeccably sung by Daniel Picknell: “In this senseless world, race, skin color, origin, religion are the excuse to hate. Are the excuse to discriminate, to frighten, to murder.”
The track goes on to discuss the connotations of bringing innocent, unknowing kids, like his own son, into this turbulent scenario, but offers words of hope, inspiration and advice, understanding that the future belongs to the new generation.
“Be strong, I’m here. I walk you into the world. Don’t leave my hand, my son. In this mindless world. The one thing to remember is “Stay human”. In this sightless world. Through your clean eyes the hope for. A new sunrise, A new sunshine. I leave you into the world. Love and change this world, my son.” These words clearly substantiate the writer’s faith in the new generation, to transform and transition the world into a better place. The music, the lyrics, the performances – everything comes together here, as skill and passion reigns across this track.
It sounds like Pietro Cottone picked his musicians from the cream of the crop to perform on “I Walk You Into The World”, but then again, you wouldn’t expect anything less from a scrupulous composer and artist such as himself.
The audio quality is superlative, with crystal clear guitars, pianos and vocals, along with the vast array of instrumentation on this release sounding better than any other independent recording of this type, we have heard recently. The cellos and violins also add a sensational layer of musicality to this piece.
At its highest point, a wall of sound encircles the listener on “I Walk You Into The World,” with a barrage of guitar, bass, drums, strings and rich vocal harmonies that shakes you from your seat. Pietro Cottone has managed to lure the listener in not just with and incredibly dynamic soundscape but also with a conscious and immersive narrative, and some incredible musicianship and singing. The music video itself, directed by Luke Rodriguez and written by Pietro Cottone, is not to be underestimated.
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