Born Micöl Scott Rankin, the artist Novi Nov, makes his intricate sound seem so effortless. His signature melodic croon and cutting-edge raps, layered over high quality beats, makes his songs beautifully lush, creating timeless classics from scratch. His latest single, “Parallel Lines” – a song about an unexplored love interest and the never-ending “what-ifs” that overrun our imagination – is Novi Nov at his melodic and rapping best. His lyrics reflect the level of refined eloquence he is on – without losing that natural yet scattered flow he utilizes so well. For the uninitiated, Novi Nov is an indie hip-hop artist, from a small town called Ambridge in Pennsylvania. He grew up inspired by music of all genres, and moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 2008, in hopes of pursuing a career in music to no avail, so he began to work in the advertising world.
Steadily though, Novi Nov began to build a name for himself there, garnering awards and national notoriety. However, in 2019 tragedy struck when Novi suffered a loss that would change him forever. The death of his daughter, Zinnia – who died, literally taking her last breath in his arms, 4 days from birth.
This sent the artist into deep depression and a refusal to create. Then, due to some deep soul searching, the inspiration of his daughter’s warrior spirit, and the presence of his wife, Novi Nov renewed the will to create and share his art and passion with the world.
This new chapter led to two magnificent creations – the birth of his son Miles, a year later, and the brand new single “Parallel Lines”. Fully polished, this track features some of Novi Nov’s smoothest and most confident vocals to date.
What makes the track so strong is the combination of the airy, catchy electro production, and the profound lyrics, as Novi steamrolls the beat with his rich melodic hooks, and slick rap enunciation. He bends his flow around every turn of the beat to captivate and mesmerize your senses.
Every new release from Novi Nov has always found him poised to attack a beat, often choosing to make it as groovy as he knows he can. With every cadence and flow imaginable at his disposal on “Parallel Lines”, Novi has once again tapped into his bank of profound creativity, abundantly flowing as the melody pours, the raps burn, and his mind works in synchronicity.
There can be no doubt that Novi Nov is one of the most multidimensional artists creating right now. Easily maneuvering between singing and rapping, Novi Nov is malleable when it comes to his craft. He is able to create his own spellbinding formula, implemented by his accessible rhyme schemes, his relatable storytelling, and his ear for an enchanting melody.
All of which are in evidence on “Parallel Lines”. One of the most special qualities Novi Nov possesses as a performer is his knack for finding the pocket within a layered or complex production. His effortless navigation of the production on this single is highly impressive.
This renewed career start, sees Novi Nov leveling up on all angles. His intuition, creativity and skill are charting a course for success and potential stardom. Throughout the single, the instrumentation is crisp and refined; the production is lush and catchy, allowing the lyrics to float and shimmer above the rhythmic beat, inviting the listener to pay closer attention. “Parallel Lines” is the self-assured and definitive sound of a rapidly approaching star!
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