“Is the world, is the world, even a little aware that it has everything? Does the world know how to be beautiful at least sometimes?” These are the questions that NesKoH (Nesko Hadžimuratović) – an artist, songwriter and singer, born and raised in Sarajevo – asks in his latest single, “Da li je svijet?” (Is the world?). Musically a departure from what he has done before, the song is presents a serious form of thoughtfulness; it takes you away to a sonic place of wonder, but it’s extremely deep lyrically, very sincere and quite striking.

“Very often I have the feeling that we humans are generally the worst to those we love the most, and feel are closest to us. We have a similar attitude when it comes to our relationship with nature and the only planet we have,” explained NesKoH. “As an active member of Greenpeace, I constantly receive new information regarding the destruction of everything that surrounds us. Unfortunately, I have been finding the main inspiration for my songs in that for a long time,” he concluded.
The music on “Da li je svijet?” (Is the world?) is powerful, vulnerable and surprising. That’s the best part of hearing this record for the first time. The arrangement goes to unexpected and thrilling places, with its orchestrated cinematic soundscape.
Listening to this song, it’s interesting to think that NesKoH is the founder of the well-known German punk band LaminiusX. The dynamics you hear on this record could be evidence of his graduation from the Paris Academy of Music. It certainly lends itself to a completely exciting and gorgeous record.
NesKoH wrote the music and lyrics for the new single, while Marc Hazart was in charge of the arrangement, which signals another international collaboration for the Sarajevo artist who manages his career from Marseille, France.
NesKoH has a penchant for taking simple observations and poeticizing them in a way that makes the ordinary feel like art. His voice is glazed in a pastoral sheen – sad but with a glimmer of hope – as the piano extends the resonance of its rolling resonance keys across the backdrop, which steadily builds into sweeps of shimmering strings.

“Da li je svijet?” (Is the world?) is the best distillation of NesKoH’s conscious work that I can think of: genuine, imaginative, and achingly concerned. He is an artist who captures your mind with his effortlessly imaginative wordplay, and subsequently wins your heart with his vocal sincerity.
Between this elegant, cinematic atmosphere and NesKoH’s cathartic elevation of our planetary experience, one would be hard-pressed to find a better, more thought-provoking record of this nature.To complete the experience of “Da li je svijet?” (Is the world?), NesKoH, who is an active member of Greenpeace, and his team, also created a new video for the song, which was shot in the beautiful fields in France, and features his daughter, Mayna.
Both the song and the video is overflowing with gorgeous yet soul-searching moments. NesKoH knows how to pull at your heartstrings and question your mindset, and does so with frequency on “Da li je svijet?” (Is the world?). It’s the sort of song that checks any sense of grandeur at the door, instead allowing its gentle, moving balladry wash over you and sweep you away.
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WEBSITE: www.neskoh.com
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