Lil Khaki is a 19 year old artist from Laurens South Carolina, who is trying to spread a lot of positive vibes, while treading new ground as his music speaks about spirituality, afterlife, and religion. Lil Khaki truly deserves his own self-proclaimed title of some sort, because he has created his own style of hip-hop. The track, “Truth to Me” is innovative, provocative, and pioneering, and all in all, pretty damn well done! The ambient production is quite polished! And Lil Khaki’s lyrical style and delivery are fresh, smart, and smooth.
Like all serious music, it takes a certain type of person to understand Lil Khaki’s music and to get what message he’s trying to share. But to be that person is quite simple, just open your ears and heart and listen! You will hear how the authenticity and transparency drives this track.
From the opening jazz guitar lines to hallway through the track when the percussion sets in, you will be captivated by the meandering soundscape and the deadpan vocal delivery that doubles itself up at various places in the arrangement timeline.
Props where props are due, a young rapper so in charge of his psychic and creative faculties is very hard to come by. One that not only perseveres in an adverse mainstream marketplace, he’s managed to create a very respectable and highly listenable piece of work in the process.
Lil Khaki deftly traverses through the skate park of the English language, popping every trick he knows without ever betraying an air of showboating, nor wallowing in purposeless fill-in-the-blank rhyming. There’s a sharp intelligence that resides behind every line he writes.
Right from the start Lil Khaki emerges not as shock-theater maestro or mainstream mumbler, but as an eloquent sketchbook rapper, who works impressionistic and quick.
One thing you can say about Lil Khaki is that he holds nothing back. He says whatever is on his mind. Here’s someone making music with talent, sincerity and courage. This is the kind of recording you need a few plays through to fully appreciate.
As usual a whole lot of people are going to sleep on it, because they’ll be so caught up with their mainstream artists until they find out that Lil Khaki is one of the more talented up and coming young hip-hop artists, who only gets better the more you listen to him.
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