“Void Visionz” by Han Sino is a hard album to quantify. Sounding fresh and unique. Its liquid lullabies, bizarre Chilled NuJazz textures and lack of uniform percussion gives it an otherworldly feel. It sounds like transmissions between vastly different cultures. It’s as beautiful as it is unsettling, ignoring conventional composition or standard musical architecture. If you suffer from insomnia, these musical pieces will surely lull you into a slumbering dreamlike state. But if you listen to the whole album while slumbering, things really get interesting.
Once you’ve gotten over the initial surprise at listening to something so uncompromising, the album’s charms are slowly unlocked. Though a lot of its fans will no doubt be quite precious about how you should listen to “Void Visionz”, insisting that you need complete silence to bring out the ambience upon which the whole thing rests, my opinion is that you can listen to this recording anywhere and anytime – day or night, commuting, working or relaxing.
Each of these different listening experiences will yield different emotional and psychological states. These tracks move, connect and disconnect in unusual ways that you can’t quite put a finger upon.
No track is exactly how you would expect it, as patterns and rhythms multiply, diffuse and spread, from and to single points like fractals. Whether you like it is not dependent on whether you like this genre of music. It is dependent on how open your mind is to new sonic experiences.
Experimental flourishes of jazz, hip-hop, ambient, electronic and orchestral flavors blend into a cross-cultural pastiche where oriental colors meat western shades. Inspired by the elements of voidism and iconoclasm, Han Sino removed all borders, boundaries, rules and regulations from the music.
He explains the sonic aesthetic of the album as delivering a sense of “wandering and drifting”. This sonic meandering carries through to each piece of music, constantly hovering between beautiful and sparse, nebulous and busy, comprehensible and obfuscated.
Inherently challenging as it may appear at first, “Void Visionz” is arguably the greatest testament to Han Sino’s dedication in pushing the limits of his musical creativity so far. Twelve official tracks, plus two bonus cuts, help demystify and elucidate the vaporous nature of this kind of composition, to return it to a rightful place in the canon of experimental and abstract electronic music, and to encourage a more inquisitive ear in the listener.
The compositional approaches used by Han Sino, confirms exactly where his creativity and artistry comes in, when creating the electronic equivalents of the generative instruments used in “Void Visionz”.
The relationship between the album, the creative process and its technological machinery was a particularly complex one, as Han Sino’s computer wasn’t powerful enough to handle the stems of each track. Nevertheless he managed to complete the project properly.
The atmospheres and meandering motifs that lull us into the lushest and strangest headspace on “Void Visionz”, stands well out from the rest of Han Sino’s catalog. Indeed, these works do a fine job of showcasing Han Sino’s ability to transform even the most seemingly mundane patterns into something unique and interesting.
Free from the shackles of tradition and expectation. “Void Visionz” is one of those rare works that feels unbounded by time, as capable of surprising you today as it will sometime in the future.
MORE ABOUT: Han Sino uses the modern means of CAM – Software, and Hardware sequencers, as well as digital and analog keyboards and synthesizers, to produce original creations. To these significant tools, he sometimes adds traditional instruments. Inspired by Afro American music fundamentals, world traditional music, and the urban and electronic experiments, Han Sino creates instrumental Nu Jazz and Urban Spoken Word Poetry. His sound is characterized by a groove, a swing or an atmosphere inspired by the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, but resolutely turned toward the future and more daring experiences.
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