FOLIE somehow feels like mainstream misfits—too gritty and visceral for pop’s polished upper echelon and too enamored with the alternative underground for rock’s monochromatic worldview. That stubborn rebel mentality persists all the way through their “GORGEOUS” studio EP, which often takes a mad scientist approach to modern music. Yet they’re so catchy they should be on every damn radio station! They can be vivacious, danceable, and throw in an aggressive snarl with a melodic, soaring chorus, while the track displays its wistful jangle-rock twirls with a heavily processed voice. These moments underscore how much FOLIE are able to bridge (and transcend) genres by finding novel ways to stitch music, samples, and sounds and voices together.
Yet “GORGEOUS” is no nostalgia trip. If anything, the recording contains the most contemporary-sounding music around – electronic jams scrambled with digital noise, airy electro with bulletproof choruses and hip-hop-influenced pop.
FOLIE – a project that stems from the synergy of a group of dedicated performers, producers, songwriters and musicians with very different approaches, but with a single common goal: making great music together – creates its own musical reality and is inviting everyone else to catch up if they can. FOLIE explain that the EP “tells a story about a man who falls in love with an escort. Thinking he found the love of his life, soon realizes she’s more like a beautiful nightmare.”
Each one of these tracks could – hell, should – work as potential hit singles, especially the ultra-catchy EP opener “Hotel Room” or the synth-driven caterwaul of “Hey Now” to the disco-funk thrust of “Sorrow,” wherein the vocals discover another melodic and anthemic gear. But FOLIE keep throwing curve balls throughout this concept compilation, so you’ll have the pleasure of discovering the banging beats of “Runnin Wild” and “White Dress”.
“GORGEOUS” is a hyperactive affair which sees songwriters FOLIE, Richard T Reynolds, and Shi-Wun, as well as producers BeatsByMentra, HighlifeBeats, FlashBeats, and The T.R.O.N, strap themselves to the soaring choruses, melodic vocals and layered harmonies, setting course for the musical stratosphere.
They very nearly get there. As diverse of a collection of alternative indie-pop songs as you could hope to find, it’s an enthralling affair that takes you on an engaging and revealing journey through a twisted storyline and futuristic sonic palette.
FOLIE is one of those groups that you just want to dislike. They jump out of nowhere with no warning. You have no idea where they’re from or even where there are heading. Moreover you weren’t even the first to discover their music.
But they’re just so damn good. Their songs are catchy, their lyrics are smart and their energy is very evident. They have almost perfectly crafted a sound that’s punchy and alternative enough to fill underground rooms, whilst simultaneously having the pop and electronic elements to get considerable radio play. Nothing short of spectacular!
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