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Figurehead: “Animal Divorce” grabs you by the temporal lobes and doesn’t let go!

Born in Banbridge, Northern Ireland, Figurehead was formed as a way to counteract the waves of overproduced mediocrity that is found filling the airwaves. Three misfits thrown together are attempting to make some serious music. Fuzz on drums and lead vocals, Pats on guitar and Dylan on bass.

Figurehead-CoverFigurehead recently released their latest single entitled “Animal Divorce”.  Straight out of the gate this track starts rocking. It is such a raw and pure return to rock that I really came to love it for its stripped down approach to steady drum beats, rumbling bass and twangy guitar riffs. It’s the kind of thing that can get the ladies moving and the guys rocking.

Figurehead brings their dark, slippery sound to the table on “Animal Divorce”. The guitar riffs are lumbering giants, the drums are near-mechanical in their bombardment and the music strattles the line with both a heavy melody and heavy rhythm. Intense vocal deliveries do the rest to make this track a dynamic rock n’ roll treat.

Instead of twiddling knobs and loading up plugins, Figurehead simply play the hell out of their instruments and sing as loud as it matters! The music is epic and intoxicating. The guitars smoke, screech, and shred in a gloriously greasy haze of delirium; the bass snarls and growls with a depth and viscosity that you feel you could get lost in; and the drums are thunderous, booming, and intensely rhythmic.

Figurehead-350All three fit together perfectly. In addition to the sonic monstrosity of the instruments, Fuzz’s vocals sound like he is exorcising his deepest, darkest demons. The animalistic sound effects blended into the track only adds to this assumption!

Figurehead produce a raw, ferocious, eardrum-shattering mountain of sound, which grabs you by the temporal lobes and doesn’t let go. The song blurs together in a way that only makes the music that much more powerful. The lyrics are inscrutably disturbing and quaint which will no doubt convince me to analyze the band in much more depth at a later date. Basically, if you enjoy heavy, old-school, ass-kicking, adrenaline-and-testosterone-fueled rock, Figurehead is for you!