Amidst all the regurgitated, formulaic and “franchised” sounds in the music industry nowadays it is a joy to find those rare gems. Fernando Triff is one of those rare gems and his latest single, “Sunset Strip” is fantastic. It has energy, beauty, heart, soul and spirit. The instrumentation and the songwriting is excellent as well. My biggest problem with new indie artists is that they’re too cute-sounding, for lack of a better description. Triff is different, however.

He has soul and maintains a certain amount of rawness to his recordings. Fernando dropped his debut single in 2014 and is working his way towards the ‘perfect’ sound; meanwhile his experimentation in seeking it is beautiful. I love how he plays the guitar and how he can shift his songs to be quiet, loud and thematic, but also pensive when it needs to be.
Though writing songs since he was 16, Fernando is technically still in the early stages of his solo recording career, and with “Sunset Strip”, he has released yet another single that sounds mature, original, and sure-footed. It is clearly the product of an artist that will be filling playlists for years to come.
The more you listen to this track the more it will grow on you. Triff avoids extremes in any direction (overproduced, over sung, you-name-it), it’s just good music. Being a child of the seventies and eighties, I am naturally resistant and extremely critical of most music released rock-orientated music – yes I’m a dinosaur of sorts.
Honestly, I have not heard a lot of new music that meets up to the artistry and craft of those released way back then. Today there is too much gloss and hype. Perfect recordings that is beautifully packaged on the outside but sterile and empty on the inside. Fernando Triff is one of those rare artists that are looking to burst through the radar and land on very selective music collections.
“Sunset Strip” is an easy listen. There is a warm feeling behind the song and a sense of melody, while it never loses its gritty alternative rock impulse, in taking a look at the cutting edge symbol of the entertainment industry, or rather the ‘land of dreams’ offered by “Sunset Strip”, a stretch of Sunset Boulevard that passes through West Hollywood, California.
Fernando Triff was born in Brazil, but now spends his time in Los Angeles, California, where he produces and performs his music. He is the winner of the April 2016 Akademia Award for best pop / rock / dance song on his track “Risk Tak3r”.
OFFICIAL LINKS: Artist Website – Facebook – Twitter
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