“An End for All” is the debut Ep by Raffaele Pane aka Bredd, an Italian composer, musician and songwriter. Bredd, who began to play the guitar in an adolescent age, crosses the pop-rock genre to alternative sounds in his musical creations. Apart from recoding his own music, Bredd is also a session musician and a guitar teacher. He says that the “An End for All” EP, is “an introspective journey made of love, dreams, fears, hopes and disappointments.”
A problem with the music industry today is that artists are portrayed – both by the media and through their music – as being larger than life. This image can often create a barrier to the listener when hearing their music, which stops them from connecting properly with the emotions being evoked.
The beauty of “An End for All” lies in the fact that Bredd is relatively unknown by the masses and therefore he has the ability to sidestep this metaphorical barrier and expose the listener to the full impact of the emotions being evoked. Listening to ““An End for All” is an experience I find to be akin to talking with a close friend, in that Bredd makes every attempt to convey the tender, unpretentious beauty on offer.
Many people would be fast to label Bredd as an indie or pop-rock act, but personally I see him as a more progressive and alternative artist. His quietly hypnotic quality feels closely reminiscent of more complex bands. Part of Bredd’s capability to really closely connect with the listener actually stems, I feel, from his musical simplicity.
The song structures play a large role in creating “”An End for All’s” hypnotic atmosphere. The guitar, piano and drum lines on offer have an ambient flow to them which promotes the soothing nature of the music. Bredd’s voice glides gracefully over the sonics, as they too adopt an ambient hue until the fantastic vocal explosion on “Divided”.
So, if you’ve read this far you already know what my verdict is: ““An End for All” is a masterwork, possibly one of the best pieces of alternative music to grace our world for months. It offers us something genuinely rare; a chance to sit down for a few minutes and visit a place inside our own heads where all of our rushed, hectic lifestyle ceases to exist, in exchange for the bare soul of an artist.
Each song, from the opening piano piece, “Unknown” to alternative rock of “So Alive” and “Frenzy Of Sound” is like a drug injected right into your veins which addicts you to its rhythms and harmonies right from the start. This is a dazzling album, with some great performances by the ‘real live’ musicians – it is a must-have for every Bredd fan and for many more people besides.
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