In the bustling City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, a truly remarkable music composer resides, bearing a name as unique and...
In the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area, a rising star is ready to grace the music scene with...
In the ever-evolving realm of music, where artists strive to create groundbreaking works that transcend borders, Davido stands tall as...
The Los Angeles-based classic rock band has dropped a stunning album entitled "The Room" that is a true masterpiece. Majic's...
Prepare to be uplifted and moved by the divine melodies of Lolita Moore's latest gospel masterpiece, "LOVED". This album is...
Hailing from the heart of South Bend, Indiana, Choclett P is an R&B sensation whose silky smooth vocals have captivated...
London's indie-rock scene has welcomed a captivating newcomer in the form of bryden, whose debut 3-track EP, 'The Rites', produced...
Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht is a multi-talented artist, who has found success as an actor, artist, and musician. His music project,...
Shifta is a Miami-based dancehall artist from Jamaica who is widely recognized for his lyrical versatility, electrifying music videos, and...
As the hip-hop industry continues to evolve, new talents emerge, and Iggy Badd is no exception. Hailing from Boston, Ma,...
Caleb Chronic, the heavy metal band that has been seamlessly blending in electronic, rap, and dubstep elements into their music,...
In a world where pop stars are a dime a dozen, it's refreshing to see an artist like Amanda Rose...
DaConstance is an artist who truly embodies the spirit of resilience and perseverance. As a single father of two, he...
Louis Goldwater aka AUH2O, the visionary musician and songwriter from Pittsburgh, makes a triumphant return to the music scene with...
3mind Blight and Samantha T have come together to create a hauntingly beautiful new single that is sure to tug...
Christian Tedder aka Hazy’s latest single 'Out Of The Way' is a triumphant ode to his journey as a new...
Sandeep Lama is a singer/songwriter from Kathmandu, Nepal, based in Arizona. ‘Samaya’ is his debut single, arranged and produced by...
JAKE is the epitome of modern music's new wave of artists. This singer-songwriter has managed to turn heads and raise...
Original music composer Daniel Ezekiel and music arranger Drake Wheeler combined their immense talents in the epic orchestration of "The...