No Audible Dialogue & Pardus Blacke: “Opening Sequences” – luscious layered soundscapes for film

Isaac Benjamin
Isaac Benjamin

Isaac Benjamin’s mission is to express art through music and video games. His project, No Audible Dialogue is a small game company, but it is also a music-making endeavor, which has just released a set of two songs in collaboration with Jabril Berry (aka Pardus Blacke), intended as cinematic orchestral overture themes, collectively entitled, “Opening Sequences”. The songs are “When Tomorrow Comes” by Pardus Blacke and “Hopeful Beginning” by No Audible Dialogue.

I’m a huge soundtrack lover and grand movie scores are my favorite, as they stay in my memory for long periods. Within 1 minute of having “Opening Sequences” on half the hair on my neck was standing pin straight. The luscious layered soundscapes are out of this world, giving this a mythical, epic sound that made me feel as if I was falling into the music itself.

Pardus Blacke is a master of creating an environment with his music that envelops the listener. And this is exactly what “When Tomorrow Comes”, achieves. It sounds just the way you would imagine it to; rich, opulent, a hypnotic mix of strings, keyboards and percussion. The score is simple, quiet (for the most part) and yet, at the same time, stirringly beautiful and lively in parts.

Jabril Berry
Jabril Berry

Slowly building from silence, the ascending strings introduces us to the sounds of “Hopeful Beginning” by No Audible Dialogue, which employs an ominous, rising melodic motif that pervades the score. As soon as the listener becomes familiar with it, however, the sound is sucked away into nothingness. It is an immersive, original piece of work from a composer who I cannot wait to hear more from. This magnificent musical soundscape instantly grabs you and keeps you engaged, piece by piece. This music is powerful, especially at night with the lights out, and on headphones.

The tracks are parsimonious with percussion, and thus the suspense and drama are built up with variations in tempo, thick lush layers of textures, and incredible dynamic crescendos. These beautiful cinematic orchestral overture themes create sound for a film that currently resides only in your mind…and those of Isaac Benjamin and Jabril Berry!

OFFICIAL LINKS: SoundcloudBandCampFacebook

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Rick Jamm

Journalist, publicist and indie music producer with a fervent passion for electric guitars and mixing desks !

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