A lifetime of dedicated faith, boundless enthusiasm and true passion for the art of music, have led Melvin Fromm Jr. into a sonic whirlwind of creativity, imagination and inspiration. From his hometown in Lancaster County, PA, he began to write, produce & record his own stunning & stylistic instrumental songs in mid-2015 and soon found his highly-adaptable talents were suited to many facets of music found all the way around the globe. With an impressive 200+ countries putting Melvin’s songs on the radio – it became clear that music-fans from all over the world were truly connecting to his rhythms & melodies.
As his growth continues so does his fan base which continues to support his every move. His instrumentals are also featured with different styles of tones to keep fans wanting more. Composer Melvin Fromm Jr. has 234 songs added so far to the number #1 background environmental music company in Asia with daily plays in the hundreds and growing stronger each passing day as Melvin’s music has the potential to be heard in thousands of restaurants, retail outlets, shopping malls, hotels across south east Asia in countries like Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand,and Indonesia.
Melvin’s music is also starting to get play at Dairy Queen, Domino Pizza, and Dunkin Donuts worldwide. Melvin is always so thankful for God’s help with his powerful hand in making of his music. Find Melvin @ www.facebook.com/composermelvinfrommjr and be on the lookout for this talented artist. In Loving Memory Of Pol Caliso “Always And Forever In Are Hearts”
- How long have you been composing music business and when did you first start taking it seriously?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: I first started out in music in 1999 when I was writing a letter to my then girlfriend Percy (now my wife) and thought wow this sounds like a country song so from that letter I wrote a song called “What I Feel” and I had the song demo out and sent it to overseas radio stations and started to get radio play as this was the start of music for me. I started composing music in 2014 after some music people told me you don’t sing so try your hand at composing music so that’s what I did and mid 2015 I started to take composing music seriously.
- Who were your first and strongest musical influences that you can remember growing up?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: I remember growing up my dad (Melvin) would listen to country on radio and my mom (Wilma) would listen to pop and top 40 on the radio so these were my strongest musicl influences growing up for me.
- Do you find time to listen to other composers and artists? And if so, which of these do you currently admire?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: I always take time to listen to Joel Osteen Ministries Lakewood Church singers to praise God and give my life hope every single day as I really have a lot to be thankful for in my life.
- What do you feel are the key elements people should be getting out of your music?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: I hope the key elements that shine in my songs is that it hits their hearts and souls and they say wow let’s play that song again or let’s check out more of Melvin’s songs.
- What do you think distinguishes you from most other music composers flogging their music to publishers today?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Today I am working with some of the best music people in studio to bring the music I write from my heart alive. But the biggest credit I have to give is to God he seems to bring a talent out of me I never knew I had before and keeps it rolling in me.
- I know this is may be a difficult question, but do you have any preferred song (or songs) in your catalog, and why is it special to you?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: “What I Feel” song about love for my wife Percy. “My Mom” song about my mom Wilma always being there for me in life. “Heart Of A Hero” song about my uncle Bill Tait who truly had the heart of a hero in life. “My Promise” about my loving grandma Tait who I promised to win a trophy for my grandma in her memory and did the first karate tournament in May 1989 Landisville Karate Tournament form third place black belt division.
- What usually sparks off your creativity for a new song – an actual real life event, or do you just focus on something at will, and then compose for it?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Most of the time what sparks my creativity for a new song is something off a real life event that I come across in my day or week.
- What would you consider a successful, proud or high point in your life or career so far?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Well besides meeting the love of my life in 1999 Percy, it’s having my music picked up by the #1 background environmental music company in Asia in June 2017 and to date they have picked up 234 of my songs and I have set a personal record for plays worldwide in the first 3 months of 2018 with this background company with the grace of God.
- What, on the other hand, has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music career so far?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: So far there are 3 most difficult things I have had to endure in my life to date while doing my music but with the God’s grace and love I just keep pushing forward. 2000 my diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and all that goes along with it but keep my head up and keep going moving forward in life. 2017 my wife Percy in so much pain and her diagnosis was Rheumatiod Arthritis as the doctor has her on the right track now with less pain. March 12, 2018 the passing of my wife’s brother-in-law Pol Calsio who always treated me like family every time we came to visit my wife’s family. This is why I picked this photo enclosed in interview as it’s the last time we visit my wife’s family in 2015 “In Loving Memory Of Pol Caliso” thanks for always being good to me and the laughs that we will always remember in are heart’s always and forever.
- What key ingredient (or ingredients) do you always try to infuse into your songs, over and above style, sounds and genre?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: If it can touch someone’s heart and soul and make your toe tap or think of something in someone’s life when they hear your music then I feel I have done my job.
- Do you also compose music on request for outside sources, or collaborate with other composers and lyricists?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: No just do all my own music don’t really work with other composers and lyricists at this time. Just work with good music staff in studio to bring my music more life.
- Which aspect of being an independent artist and the music making process excites you most and which aspect discourages you most?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Music making process that excites me I have control over how I make all my music and what styles I like to make without someone saying only do it this way. Aspect that could discourage me is you have to work a lot of music leads along the way and read the fine print as to many people want to line their pockets with your music money and you don’t make much in the end so I am always careful about that.
- How do you record, produce and market your music? Do you have a team to help you or do you do everything by yourself?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Well I do work with some of the best music people in studio to record my music as I take their input to produce the song the best we can. Then I market everything myself to places I see fit.
- If you had the opportunity to change one thing about how the music business works right now, what would that be?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Split more money with the people that make the music as I have had some bad deal offers come my way with my music that I would never would think of taking. (Here is samples what I was offered to make off songs per 100% of song 10% deal, 15% deal, 25% deal, 35% deal.)
- If someone has never heard your music, which keywords would you personally use to describe your overall sound and style?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Easy listening, mixed styles, heart felt, soul touching, toe tapping, to just name a few.
- Do you consider Internet and all the social media as fundamental in building a career in music today, and what is your personal relationship with the new technology at hand?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Yes it’s a good fundamental way to building a career in music today as it’s a great way to reach out to fans worldwide or have people looking at your music check out reviews, interviews or write ups on you all in one place like on my Facebook page @ www.facebook.com/composermelvinfrommjr and you don’t have to worry about sending anything in the mail anymore and worry about cost of mailing all your info out.
- Which is your favored instrument when composing a song? And do you have a preferred time of day or night when you set yourself down to write?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Most of the time I use piano or guitar to compose a song and do the full band in the studio with the best music people to help give the song more life. My preferred time can be day or night whenever I feel inspired as I can compose up to 12 songs in 24 hours if I have the time.
- I notice you do not stick to one particular genre and style. Is that purely a commercial choice to appeal to the widest audience possible, or do you simply compose in a way you feel at any given time, without any preconceived ideas?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: We’ll its kind of both for me. I can compose a song and feel it should be jazz but I always keep in mind the commercial choice will appeal to the widest audience possible and open lots more doors to my music.
- Having started seriously in 2015, you’re relatively new to the industry. Have you set yourself any specific goals, when once reached, you’ll say to yourself: “Okay Melvin, you’ve made it now!” Or is releasing new music just an ordinary ongoing process for you.
Melvin Fromm Jr.: Well for me releasing new music is just an ordinary ongoing process for me because I don’t know where God will take me on my music path and what kind of doors will open up for me. Because without God this could never happen in my life and I want to see where God takes me.
- What’s the next most important event planned on the Melvin Fromm Jr. agenda for 2018?
Melvin Fromm Jr.: I plan to keep making lots of new music and keep submitting it to the #1 background environmental music company in Asia as they keep asking me to submit all the music I can to see if they will add any more of my new music to my catalog of 234 they already picked up so far to date. I have lots of new music in the works for 2018.
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