Born in Los Angeles, California, Isaac King (L.A.G) was raised around the area of Hollywood, his consistent love for music and writing has been a very heavy motivator for the entirety of his life, and as of 3-4 years ago, he has decided to make a career out of it. It also was one of his primary motivations in his obtaining of a Bachelor’s in Creative Writing, and Music. He has had experience in almost every field of music and continues to learn & grow in his music and in an ever-growing industry. His music is inspired by the sounds of old, in addition to modern era music deriving from pop, EDM, and rap, and the combination creates an entire new sound for all those under his voice to enjoy.
- How long have you been in the music business and how did you get started in the first place?
L.A.G: To be honest, I’ve only been doing this professionally for around 2 years, but have been writing music since about 10. My professional career started in college when I struggled between this and teaching. My education program was cut, and that, to me, was a sign of what I should do, that’s the start!
- Who were your first and strongest musical influences that you can remember?
L.A.G: Drake was probably the first artist I consciously listened to with comprehension and for inspiration.
- Which artists and/or producers are you currently listening to?
L.A.G: Currently, I listen to a lot of Chance the Rapper, a lot of Childish Gambino, and I’m also a humongous old school fan, so that’s in my playlist a lot.
- What do you feel are the key elements people should be getting out of your music?
L.A.G: Aside from the amount of fun I have making it, happiness, and the pursuit of it, whatever that may be to you: I want the listener to feel the ability to chase happiness, and acquire it.
- What do you think separates you from the crowd of emcees emerging right now?
L.A.G: Besides my holding back on the typical “Triplet Flow” every other artist uses, I feel that I’m breaking into new territory with my mix of Edm, Pop, and Rap, a revolution much needed.
- Do you currently have a preferred song in your catalog, and why is it special to you?
L.A.G: “Don’t Call Me”. Despite the fact that it’s my most recent song, it’s also my first song under management, and to me, it’s my statement for and into the industry. If someone were to ask, “who the hell is L.A.G?” which they do, this is my answer.
- Are your lyrics predominantly based on real events and personal experiences, or are they drawn from your creative storytelling skills?
L.A.G: Neither, I use my music to get a point across. I rarely tell stories, or make them up. I just kinda look at my current situation, and I ask myself, “What do I need to say”? If I’m wanting a girl, then I’ll write love songs, if I’m upset, then I speak on what the issue is. It’s basically a need-based thing.
- What would you consider a successful or high point in your career so far?
L.A.G: Reaching 64,000 views on Youtube for the first time. Last year, I was in complete disbelief that I had gotten that much attention with my music and it still shocks me now as those numbers continue to rise.
- What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music so far?
L.A.G: My father passing, it’s still tough, but the music definitely helps, this is certainly what he would have wanted me to do.
- What key ingredients do you always try and infuse into your songs, regardless of style or tempo?
L.A.G: I always make sure I have people thinking, as long as I’m doing that in some form, the style can vary considerably.
- Do you also produce the beats and write the lyrics on your songs or do you engage outside sources in any of these cases?
L.A.G: Beats, definitely not. I certainly write my own songs, and I do use others for concepts, but never lyrics. But yeah, beats, no I contact other sources for that.
- Which aspect of being an independent artist and the music making process excites you most and which aspect discourages you most?
L.A.G: The most exciting thing is the freedom to do it on your own, but the best part can also be the most detrimental, no major label help.
- How do you market and manage your music career? Do you have a management team or do you control everything by yourself?
L.A.G: I do have a management team, as of late, prior to that there was just a lot of me promoting as much and as precisely as I possibly.
- If you had the opportunity to change one thing about how the music business works right now, what would that be?
L.A.G: I would change where some of the attention is placed and focused on. I feel like the industry has lost its choosing talent over popularity.
- If someone has never heard your music, which keywords would you personally use to describe your overall sound and style?
L.A.G: I would use Pop and Rap, those would probably put the simplest and most accurate image together.
- Do you consider Internet and all the social media websites as fundamental in building a career in music today, and what is your personal relationship with the new technology at hand?
L.A.G: I do believe so, I believe that all are a necessary evil. I personally use social media for entertainment anyways, so using them for the purposes of my music and promotion, I have no trouble with.
- Tell us something about your latest releases and where fans can find them.
L.A.G: “Don’t Call Me” and “Bring It” are my two biggest releases so far. As far as where to find them, you can start with Youtube @ L.A.G Music or L.A.G therapperdude, and from there you could search L.A.G on Spotify, Itunes, Soundcloud, Spinrilla, etc, and I will pop up as either that, or L.A.G Music
- What is your relationship with visual media? Do you think videos are important for your music? Do you have a video you would recommend fans checkout?
L.A.G: My managers always tell me that a song doesn’t exist WITHOUT the video, so I do believe that visuals are a tremendous part of the process. Again, I’d most certainly check out “Bring It” on Youtube, the video for “Don’t Call Me” is in the editing stages right now, but when it’s out, you’ll be able to find it on those same channels.
- What’s next on the upcoming agenda for L.A.G in 2018?
L.A.G: Well since a lot of recording and footwork is done, I’d love to start getting out on the road to promote and perform. My management and I are planning a tour in the summer, but for now, I’ll be in Miami performing on March, 3rd at Miami Live, and on March, 21st, I’ll be in Macon, GA, for the Cherry Blossom Festival to perform as well.
- I left my first question for last. Where does the moniker L.A.G come from?
L.A.G: I get that a lot… lol… But I’m originally from Los Angeles, California, but as of my teenage years, my parents moved me to Waycross, Georgia, and I put the two together as city and state, and L.A.G was born. I believe that California gave me a lot of my creative and musical talent, with the classes and acting and all, but Georgia shaped who I am as an actual person, my mannerisms, Southern Hospitality, all from Georgia
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