New Releases

Bobby Jaggerjack – “Different” – the edgy balance of a thoughtful man, wildly on fire!

Robert Earl Austin aka Bobby Jaggerjack is an independent recording artist, songwriter, actor, model, comedian, podcaster, and amongst other things, the sole creator, owner and [more…]

New Releases

T.U.Savant – “Addicting Joints” delivers exhilarating displays of his technical ability

On his 9-track album, “Addicting Joints”, T.U.Savant has carved out a stylistic niche that prevents him from being boxed into any of rap’s cliques. He [more…]

New Releases

Diffusive – “Circadian Harmony” delivers vivid and engrossing existentialist themes!

In the world of hip hop, the casual fan doesn’t know much about the underground rap scene. These guys just don’t get into the conversation [more…]