Born in Brazil, and currently residing in Los Angeles, Nathi is a singer-songwriter and producer who infuses her music with...
After 15 years as a session musician, Brazilian guitarist, singer and songwriter, Andre Gimaranz’s first solo album, ‘Handmade’, was released in...
Owl Company is a band from São Paulo, Brazil that combines hard rock influences from the 70s to the 90s...
Debut albums have often been trials of sorts for different musical acts. For some, they’ve been instant masterpieces; for others,...
Mr. Ego is a prog metal band, formed in 1995, in Ribeirão Preto-SP, by bass palyer Paulo André. Since then,...
Amidst all the regurgitated, formulaic and "franchised" sounds in the music industry nowadays it is a joy to find those...
Following her dream of becoming a pop-rock reggae star, Brazilian native, KELLSA, has been traveling the world sharing and making...