In order to introduce his debut album ‘Love is Dangerous’ Juddy Mac is giving away his "A Cowboy Christmas Song"...
Virginia born and raised, Wes Dean always exceeds expectations by filling voids in the music with strutting confidence. “Looking For The...
As is usually the case with any Lyrics Of Two song release, the highlight is usually the songwriting. The band...
Linda Debella – “Bend To The Light” – intelligent arrangements, soulful energy, and musical prowess!
Call this pop, rock, Americana, singer-songwriter, or whatever you like, it still will not cover all the musical flavors Los...
The award-winning singer-songwriter, John Michael Ferrari has a clear understanding of what makes his songs work. While he can jump around from...
Ten million American children are exposed to violence and abuse each year. The vast majority of abusers are law-abiding citizens...
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy explains that many think of patriotism as a natural and appropriate expression of attachment to...
The single “Stay Tonight” by award-winning Los Angeles based singer-songwriter and producer, Johnathan Dax, thrives in eloquence and a welcome...
Franman was a high school Phys Ed teacher who began modelling and working in Television and Movies. He wrote a...
Rob Georg, growing up around the Cold War in Germany, remembers the pain and the sighs of relief as he...
Steve Contino derives inspiration from his life, views on people, their relationships, and the world
Originally from the Bronx, Steve Contino followed love to South Carolina. He has been playing drums since the age of...
Savannah Rae is Texas born and raised (San Antonio) and is a country music artist who is on her way...
Beneath the musical flash of her warm and engaging production template, on her latest single “My Someone”, Presley Duyck has...
904DadLife Productions is the project of a 35 year-old dad of 2, who has been married for 10 years and...
In over two decades, the Cologne native, Nik Nova, has weaved his way through progressive and alternative rock, to indie,...
From making her start as a powerhouse singer-songwriter, Natalie Jean has always displayed an enormous versatility in her genre stylings...
Listening to award-winning musician, songwriter, and composer, Gary Paul Bryant’s album, “The Old Country”, is like taking a soul-searching drive...
Based in the creative heart of New York, singer-songwriter Chris Suswal, simply known as Suswal, is steadily building his catalog...
Maine singer-songwriter Karen Kendrick releases her first full-length solo album of all original music, entitled, “Seeker”. Kendrick, a lifelong Mainer...