New Releases

Immerse Yourself in the Depths of ‘Different Stars’ with Forest City & Friends

Prepare your turntables, rock aficionados, for Forest City & Friends are unleashing their latest sonic odyssey upon the universe with the release of ‘Different Stars’. [more…]

New Releases

Forest City & Friends Unleash a Psychedelic Masterpiece with ‘Queen of Death Valley’


In the heart of the enchanting music scene of Maine, the quintessential rock ensemble known as Forest City & Friends has once again graced our [more…]


Travis Bickle – “The Future of Rock As We Know It” weaves a wondrous journey through some legendary sounds!


Ian Ratliff, an independent musician and producer based out of Scottsdale, Arizona, started out with an old mixing board he found in his family’s garage [more…]


Pierre Lecarpentier – “Braindead” expertly carves out entrancing and driving soundscapes!

Pierre Lecarpentier is a young French artist who lives near Paris and started making music when he was a kid. A multi-instrumentalist, he has played [more…]

New Releases

Winchester 7 & the Runners – ‘Argos Holiday’ – deliver a ponderous avalanche of big emotions, sweeping vocals and epic guitar-like sonics

Take the Ramones at their peak and place them in the same studio with the Beatles. Now take away the guitars, and replace them with [more…]

New Releases

Timeless Void: “Voidland 2 (Life and Death in America)” – spellbinding musical sorties!


One thing you cannot say about Ontario’s alternative rock band, Timeless Void, is that they are not generous. On their previously critically acclaimed album, entitled [more…]