I was left mouth wide open at the upfront honesty of Emmanuel Jenkins in addressing real issues on his album “Baggage”, out on the Golden Revelation Label. If you are going through a struggle with sin you can listen to this music and be encouraged to stay strong in the race. Christians aren’t exempt from struggling with weaknesses or hypocrisy. As the body of Christ we are called to intercede and cover one another. And if brethren should fall, we are to love them back to Christ. Young people shouldn’t have to struggle alone without anyone to turn to for fear of receiving judgment. And that’s what artists like Emmanuel Jenkins set out to achieve.
Christian Hip Hop is definitely not what it was at the beginning. This album can rival what’s out there on secular radio, but with inspired lyrics that are raw, relatable, and a gospel that isn’t watered down. You can give this album to the young people that you lead and mentor in the Faith and they will want to listen to it. And when you pick up a few teens to drive to youth group in your car, just slip this in and turn up the volume.
It is truly a blessing to witness the extraordinary work that men of God like Lecrae, Flame, Tedashii, Trip Lee, Ambassador, Andy Mineo, and now Emmanuel Jenkins are utilizing to bring a priceless message of the cross through their music to reach out to the lost and encourage the found in their walk, but more importantly to give glory to GOD. No doubt, this project has weight and glory to it. Are you wondering if this is worth being among your collections?
No second thoughts, Emmanuel Jenkins has a sound and style that is different and original, and is what I appreciate about new and upcoming artist. Jenkins, more often than not, uses the spoken word, as opposed to fast-paced lyrical flows. This means you hardly get to miss a word. No need to guess any phrase, because it is all laid out clear and simple for you. Every track is produced at top notch quality, and the lyrics are deep. Overall, these songs will appeal to a variety of music enthusiasts while still maintaining its hip hop nature.
Key tracks for me were, “Replacement”, “Popin’ Out”, “Painful Past”, “Bitter Sweet” and “Perspective”, but all-round, if you’re looking for something to help you grow and reflect on life experiences, to become the person that you were made to be. “Baggage” should be on heavy rotation at your house. God is working with many different kinds of people to advance His Kingdom. It’s awesome to see through artists like Emmanuel Jenkins how the Gospel is getting out to the hip hop culture.
ABOUT: Emmanuel Jenkins aka PastorE is the founder and CEO of Golden Revelation. He started Golden Revelation with the hopes of bringing Christian Entertainment to the world. Not only is the vision to do it through music, but also games, movies, TV shows, and every other area of media.
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