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H. Haagenti is Heating Up!

H. Haagenti is an upcoming artist from a small town on the outskirts of Bay City, TX. About 1 hour South of Houston, who is very artistic. H uses his dance and music to express himself. The young artist style has been compared to Michael Jackson, Prince, and Usher as he does amazing live performances. H draws inspiration from some of the greats he has studied and credits them for the foundation they left in music. H makes sure when he performs to give his own eccentric twist to it. H believes music is derived from passion & is so much more than just sound to a person’s ears. He has said in interviews that music has the power to capture memories for a lifetime. This young artist wisdom is beyond his years with such wise words. H used his love and passion for music to practice over the years and get better at his craft in his own way.


Through doing this H has built a solid fanbase online and in his home city. H has said when he was younger, he would study some of the greats and learn their dance moves. Over time, H practicing as a youth laid the foundation out for the artistic & creative content he makes. When he learned to channel his inner artist everything else came naturally. H has dreams of becoming a business mogul, & entrepreneur. He has plans to have several businesses, and main goal is to have multiple streams of income. He is focused on trying to evolve his sound and make sure to not keep his fanbase bored. H has said he appreciates and loves his fans. H has made sure to let his fans he knows that without their support he would not be where he is today. H plans on debuting some new music sometime next year in 2022 and has been posting well received snippets on social media.

What is your name/stage name?

 My stage name is H. Haagenti for this Era.

When is your birthday?


Where are you from?

I’m from a small town on the outskirts of Bay City, TX. About 1 hour South of Houston.

What do you do?

I’m a choreographer, and entrepreneur in my city with plans on opening a few businesses in the future

How long have you been making music?

I’ve been making music since around the age of 16 and seriously since I’ve turned 18.

What was your first song/project?

I have my first debut project coming the beginning of 2022 wait on it!

Who’s your inspiration?

One of my biggest inspirations has to be MJ. I feel like as an artist or performer MJ should always be the first standard go to for an overall superstar blueprint. He showed his fans and peers just how much passion one could truly have during a performance and music.

What genre of music do you create?

I’ve been told I’m a genre-bender by a few producers. I’m the type of person who hates to be boxed in or have set plans. Having plans is good and knowing what you want is a must. But I always like to leave destiny up for interpretation. when I have a writing session, I usually never go into it wanting a specific something. I always tell everyone “I don’t write the song the song writes itself” and I truly believe that’s true. I see a beat as a open canvas just as a painter would. I the artist as the paintbrush, my lyrics as the strokes onto the canvas, my tone and pitch as the colors. It’s all up to destiny. Although I have gone into beats with concepts before usually I don’t.

Do you come up with your video concepts?

Yes! In the future I’d like to fully be involved into all crevices if my art and work. I come up with every video concept and also want to co-direct every video. Although I haven’t debuted when I do my videos will be high budget and with storylines and background dancers. I’d like to go really official with my work.

Who’s one person, dead or alive, that you’d want to work with?

One person I’d love to genuinely work with would be Travis Scott and the cactus jack label. Ymcmb has always also been a passion of mine.

Are you signed to a label? I am currently an unsigned artist looking for label endorsement and a team! 

Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none? I would like to get singed but I’m in no rush. I want a good deal not a deal that wouldn’t be the best for me in the long run. So, I think being patient is better than chancing it. My act is worth it!

Who are your biggest supporters?

My biggest supporters must be my immediate best friends. They are everything to me. from knowing my lyrics to singing along they are my biggest supporters for sure! They are one of the reasons I never ever stop, and they make sure to remind me who I am.

Where did your name come from?

With my music I want to tell stories through each mixtape and album. Throughout life I’ve been told to have “multiple personalities”, so I turned that into my expression of art through alter egos. H stands for not one but many. Many alter egos through a letter that stands for all of them and who I am as a person emotionally. I truly believe in yin and Yang, as above so below, and that good and evil exist within us all. H is all of these good and bad egos and parts of me combines. Each era will have its own story with emotions and lyrics tied to my real mind. Some people will always try to shut out the bad traits of themselves act as if they don’t exist. as if they are always with good intentions. Well, I embrace the bad. I believe without embracing and acknowledging you will truly never fix your bad traits you’ll be stuck in a sad cycle. That is really what my name means in a nutshell. To embrace your good and bad sides of your ego and psyche. As of right now I am in the Era of Haagenti A evil energy whose story has yet to be told. Stay tuned!

Do you write your own material?

I do write all my own material. I’ve been writing for years now. and I don’t see it changing anytime soon.

Do you create your own music video concepts?  

I do create my own concepts. as an artist I believe you should always have part in concepts of your videos. I think (at least for me) the visuals are a HUGE part of this art form. Expressions through face and dance can give a totally different vibe than just audio.

What’s your favorite music to listen to?

I love all type of different music! My favorite to just vibe to has to be alternative styles.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on my debut singles and mixtapes! Coming in the beginning of 2022!

When is your next release?

My next release should be my first debut single push coming sometime next year!

Are you the type to pull up alone or with a group of people?

I’d like to say I’m the type to pull up squaded. I like having a group of people around me.

What is one stage you want to sell-out?

One day I aspire to sell out ACL that would be a dream come true! I like to set realistic goals so right now that’s not in the picture. but through manifestation and hard work it must be attainable.

Where is one place you want to travel to perform?

I’ve always wanted to travel and perform in New York to perform in Madison Square Garden or RCMS all big dreams of mine!

Who’s someone you can see yourself on tour with?

I could see myself on tour with a lot of artists. I could see post Malone fans liking my vibe.

Who produces your music?

Currently I have my guy Aaron Beats in Houston producing for me at AR records he’s really dope and always come clean with the production. He’s helped me a lot with making my vision coming true.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years, I see myself established. Not in anything for certain I just know for sure I’ll be established. Music, my businesses, my art I wanted to excel in everything and evolve. Never stay stagnant. But at the end of the day whatever life has in store, I’m willing to ride.

What’s your favorite clothing brand?

My current favorite clothing brand must be mine clothing brand “Chaotic Fashioń” coming soon in the beginning of 2022!

What’s your favorite type of car?

My favorite type of car or dream car is a wraith Rolls Royce. I’m trying to reach the stars!


IG: instagram.com/itshaagenti333

Twitter: twitter.com/itsh333

Snapchat: Noah_ymcmb