Though he took a break from recording and performing music during 2017-2018, singer-songwriter Jason Garriotte aka Chords of Truth, has toured a variety of cities throughout the United States playing countless shows, as well as releasing a consistent number or record releases, since his debut 7 track EP “Reflections Of Reality” in 2012. He can go from solo guitar picking folk, to fully fledged out musical arrangements for major sonic impact. On his latest single, entitled “Pattern”, he blends a bit of both to support his conscious lyrics with a subtle spiritual twist. Jason’s music is for people who really want to think and feel, and also want it to sound great. Perhaps even more impressive than Chords of Truth’s songwriting abilities, are his lyrics. The man is a keen observer of life with an impeccable ability to put into words what it’s like to be, at the risk of sounding cliché, human.
“I lie in wonder how we’ve survived to make it this far. Spawning our species through the ages as we spin around our star. Our brains are trained to avoid pain and seek pleasure. As we progress we devise a standard adapting it to our pattern.” That’s how Chords of Truth opens his examination of human behavior, in “Pattern”.

If you’re a big fan of musicians who know how to write quality songs with a narrative that is not too sappy in one extreme or too obtuse in the other, Jason should be your go to songwriter. Every one of his songs tells a story with lyrics that are extremely well-written, yet easily accessible.
If you can’t empathize with at least one of Jason’s songs, you have either lived a perfectly charmed life, totally blindfolded, or you should have someone check you for a heartbeat. “Pattern” is another stellar outing from the singer-songwriter. Deep, rich and polished.
Chords of Truth wears his influences proudly on his sleeve, and you’ll hear echoes of everybody from Guthrie to Croce, and Cash to Dylan, in the inspired momentum of this track. “Pattern” starts out on slow finger-picking style, before expanding into a bass and drum driven mid-tempo rhythm, shaded with a chorus of harmonies performed and produced by Jeffrey Joslin.
Jason’s ability to use simple, straightforward everyday language to communicate complex ideas is remarkable and rare. Chords of Truth is a wonderful storyteller and his underlying themes are universal. Since his brief hiatus last year, he is perfectly back on track, and it can be heard in his voice, writing, and guitar playing.
Jason has a way with both words and the melody on “Pattern”, and he wraps them all in an honest and confident vocal delivery. This piece of work will reach out and grab your interest. Don’t miss out on the message and the magic contained within.
I cannot say more emphatically that if you really love Folk and Americana based music, and follow the great songwriters of our time, you will love Chords of Truth.
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