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Ramirez Coiva – “I’m Walking Away” – full of heartfelt emotion and a well-constructed tune

Ramirez Coiva regards himself as a Citizen of the World, who has been writing and making music since 2000. His single “I’m Walking Away” was written and recorded in Istanbul (Turkey), a couple of years ago. The song is a hybrid between the alternative rock guitar sound of the past and a look toward a more modern, sleeker pop sound. One thing is clear on this track, there are very few people that can match Ramirez Coiva’s all-embracing songwriting talent.

Regardless of style, whether it’s heavy guitars or strings, keyboards and drums, a great song is a great song, and the foundation of “I’m Walking Away” is superb songwriting. Coiva’s penchant for coming up with the perfect sing-a-long chorus is infectious.

It is true that life experiences are unique but when it all boils down we all have quite similar situations – or at least share a universal hope for a better tomorrow. That is what “I’m Walking Away” is really all about, and with that Ramirez Coiva takes you on a journey full of heartfelt emotion and a well-constructed tune: “I see the sun, but I feel the rain. I’m walking away, I’m walking away”, he sings.

Ramirez Coiva

Coiva’s introspective struggles remain ever-present and the track is richer for it. The signature melancholic notes of his voice are poignant, while the marching drum beat and the thumping bass feel polished and hopeful. It is clear from the start that this is a personal and intimate record, and Ramirez Coiva demonstrates throughout the track that he is an outstanding and deep lyricist.

Ramirez Coiva’s vocal performance complements the drive of the rhythm, the strings and guitar riffs perfectly, giving listeners an unforgettable auditory experience. The singer-songwriter seamlessly blends pop and rock to create one of his best recordings to date. It’s fair to say he knows how to write and arrange a song.

Pop-rock doesn’t get much catcher than with “I’m Walking Away”, fueled by a chorus that builds up fast and loops round and round again. Full of wooing layers, it’s a truly irresistible joy that comes with this song, despite its introspective lyrics. Lyrically, his work is excellent and this song is full of single lines that stay in the listener’s head for days and days

In a seamless transition, the dynamic string orchestrations add a solid edge of confidence and strength on top of the composition. The strumming guitars throughout gives the song a punchy feel, and there’s a real passion to the way the vocals are presented in this piece. “I’m Walking Away” oozes swagger and ownership, and the hook in the chorus is terrific.

It is a really nice radio-friendly track from an artist that resembles something from the late nineties and early 2000s in the best way possible. It’s richly organic sounding and a far cry from the sterile programmed computer music, we’re currently accustomed to. Musically, this track shines in the way the guitar and string arrangements are so well put together.

However, the single best part of Ramirez Coiva’s songwriting is the way that he builds everything in the song, (whether it be lyrics, musical arrangement or sustained backing vocal parts) towards an extremely catchy, enjoyable and inspiring chorus.