Tag: Lakotah
Jamsphere Indie Music Magazine November 2016
The November 2016 issue of our monthly Indie Music Magazine – FEATURED THIS MONTH – I AM A. S.M.O.O.T.H , Fuss Ricket, Baum Jr., LJAY, [more…]
Lakotah: “Hold Me Near” – rich, vivid and well captured!
Lakotah belongs to that small group of contemporary artists, who are so necessary, to navigate musical times of pretense and despair. Her works represent songs [more…]
Jamsphere Indie Music Magazine March 2016
The March 2016 issue of our monthly Indie Music Magazine – FEATURED THIS MONTH – Majestic, Julian Alexander Coiner, Diamusk, Lakotah, Steve Lieberman , Jennifer [more…]
Lakotah: “Heaven’s Own” is thick, heavy, epic and affecting
Lakotah is one of those artists that seeps in under the mainstream radar, and is able to become a sensation based on pure talent. She [more…]