In a musical landscape often filled with surface-level narratives, Mac Raven emerges from Northern California as a luminary, delivering an...
Congratulations to composer Melvin Fromm Jr. and his collaborating music roster of award-winning platinum, gold, and Billboard-topping musicians and producers...
In the pulsating heart of Philadelphia emerges a musical force that transcends conventions and captivates with every beat. Hiim Wok,...
In the realm of music that boldly defies categorization, Swiss polymath AVII GOLD emerges as a luminary, fusing her talents...
Many have asked about the placement of Composer Melvin Fromm Jr.'s music in Grammy, Oscar, and world-class composer libraries. This...
Corsini Christian, known in the sonic realm as DJ Jack Smith, emerges as a seasoned luminary in the music cosmos,...
Since Depositphotos content team reached out to Composer Melvin Fromm Jr. on wanting to represent Melvin's music on the platform...
Jamsphere Indie Music Magazine November 2023 - FEATURED THIS MONTH - Kati Seibel, CompositionC, Jay Gunzz, Indianadesolate, Hi Tide, Johnnie...
Congrats to composer Melvin Fromm Jr. and his collaborating music roster of award-winning platinum, gold, and Billboard-topping musicians and producers,...
- Multi-talented songwriter and performer T. Mancuso brings us a new dance hall favorite in ‘Ma Cumba’. Topping off a...
Livekill, a driving force in the modern scene, is proud to announce the release of their blistering new single, "New...
Alisa Stepura is a musical artist/producer who started her musical journey at the age of 4, after being gifted a...
Arun found the best opportunity to connect with himself and music again as he is releasing his latest single "If...
Hailing from the sun-kissed Cayman Islands, the acoustic driven duo Hi Tide, composed of Shane Allenger and Sean Hennings, continues...
Pretty Decent Music Records unveils a gem of a collaboration with "Last Forever," a magnetic fusion between Zimbabwean luminary Korusbird...
In the world of modern hip-hop production, the fusion of vintage sounds with innovative approaches often ushers in a wave...
In a world often obscured by suffering and hardships, Dell Staggers, co-founder of The Staggs Renaissance Group alongside Karen Staggers,...
The ability to encapsulate the essence of a story through sound is an art form that requires a masterful touch....
In the labyrinthine landscape of contemporary hip-hop, where narratives often echo familiar refrains of success and extravagance, emerges an artist...