A.S.H.E.S the Chosen: “#SayHerName” ft. SaeMonae & Brynn Elyzabeth – a sophisticated testimony to truth!

The plug for the single, “#SayHerName”, by A.S.H.E.S the Chosen (feat. SaeMonae & Brynn Elyzabeth), and Prod. by Cool Kennedy & Caydolf reads: “Sandra Bland. Tanisha Anderson. Rekia Boyd. Miriam Carey. Michelle Cusseaux. Shelly Frey. Kayla Moore. It’s not surprising if some of these names don’t sound familiar — but we find that unacceptable. As national conversations around race and law enforcement have grown in recent years, the experiences black women have with police have largely been excluded. That was until now.” This once again testifies A.S.H.E.S the Chosen’s dedication to social issues in his tracks.

This video for the song, was edited by 22 year old McKinley Jordan IV, as part of his involvement in the Peace Over Violence Youth Over Violence Leadership Institute and President Obama & the White House’s “My Brother’s Keeper Initiative”.

A.S.H.E.S. The Chosen
A.S.H.E.S. The Chosen

The beat is dense and jazzy, while A.S.H.E.S the Chosen’s flow is at times aggressive and ominous. Together with rapper SaeMonae and vocalist Brynn Elyzabeth, A.S.H.E.S the Chosen has created a track reflecting the times we live in and for listeners brave enough to keep their ears open and absorb multiple listens – the depth, beauty, and truth of “#SayHerName” will slowly begin to unfold and reveal itself.

This track belongs to a newer, complex breed of socially conscious, art hip-hop, which requires the attention of the listener, in both the lyrics and the beat production. There is nothing a hip-hop lover cannot adore about this track. Musically the arrangement is amazingly sophisticated. Lyrically you can hear the mastery it takes to develop ideas and themes the way A.S.H.E.S the Chosen does. I admire how he handles spiritual and political conduct – his messages ring true and loud, without shoving it down your ears.

I could go on forever, but “#SayHerName”, by A.S.H.E.S the Chosen (feat. SaeMonae & Brynn Elyzabeth), and Prod. by Cool Kennedy & Caydolf has become a hands-down favorite of mine. If you’re still on the fence, you need to seriously investigate your priorities – not only musically, but in your day-to-day life!

OFFICIAL LINKS: Artist WebsiteSoundcloudFacebookTwitterInstagram

Rick Jamm

Journalist, publicist and indie music producer with a fervent passion for electric guitars and mixing desks !

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