If someone tells you there’s no more good music being made nowadays, introduce him or her to Ben Knighten. I’m sure they’ll change their ideas. I’m not talking about the beat driven dance floor stuff, or the hyped up, auto-tuned spoken-verse music. I’m talking melodies, harmonies and sensible lyrics; an intoxicating blend of intelligent songwriting, artful arranging, beautiful singing and graceful musicianship. I mean music that won’t leave your head and I don’t mean that in a bad way. Mellow yet melodic with soothing guitar and backing vocals.

Well you can find all of that, in the 10 tracks included into the album by Ben Knighten, entitled “Light the Way”. It is an album so damn good that you won’t be able to decide what to play after this album is done, so you’ll just have to replay it again. Ben Knighten, an acoustic folk singer-songwriter from Colorado, is one of those catch-22 artists. On one hand you think everyone should hear him, yet your selfish side wants him to remain under the radar. He was also nominated for “Best Folk Artist of 2012” and “Best Folk Artist of 2013” by the Colorado Springs Independent.
If you are trying to decide whether “Light the Way” is a purchase worthy album, simply put, Ben Knighten has managed to create not just album, but a mood, and an emotion. It has a song cycle, elegantly orchestrated from beginning to end…a rarity in many respects these days. The results will melt your heart. True, tracks such as “All We’ve Ever Found, “The Ones You Choose”, “Coming Home”, “Moments We See” and “As The World Spins Around” take a while to nestle in your brain, but the wait is worth it. Lyrically, Ben is years ahead of his contemporaries.
What is also refreshing is that with little press, little advertising, and most awareness coming through word-of-mouth, this experience is as refreshing and as pure as you’re ever likely to experience. If you’re tired of music without meaning, then pop this baby into your player, and let this album change all that.

To describe “Light the Way” as beautiful is to not give it credit for the depth and soul that you can feel in it. Ben Knighten’s folksy-pop style is head and heart poetry, from the opening track to the last note. He’s romantic, strong and vulnerable, in a fifteen track heart thumping ride, with different structures, different feelings and varied vibes, all wrapped up in acoustically driven soundscapes you will fall in love with.
There are no tiresome pop qualities to Ben’s songs; each one is real and true and stands on its own, like an expertly cut gemstone. Full of meaningful lyrics, the intonation and powerfully sweet and melancholy emotion in Ben’s expressive, solid voice, makes these songs what they are, because he truly feels the music and draws the listener in.
Ben Knighten deserves a lot of recognition for the wisdom, beauty, and heartfelt emotion of this album, and “Light the Way” is a perfect introduction for those unfamiliar with this talented singer-songwriter. His, is a voice that wears well, and becomes a favored friend as one listens to the songs over and over again.
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