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Jason Daniel: “When the Dam Breaks” cuts to the bone with raw sincerity

Jason Daniel is a singer/songwriter from northern California who skillfully blends folk and Americana with just a touch of pop to create a sound that is earthy, expressive, and beautiful. Jason has been crafting a rather impressive catalog of music, “When the Dam Breaks” is another dependable entry, with fine musicianship and touching lyrics, all anchored by Daniel ‘s unforced, raw vocals.

This is one of those albums that you put on while sitting on the front porch, downing a beer and bitching about your ex-wife. It’s serious fuel for late weekend nights where you head home under sweltering skies, dodging the cops and making tracks on back roads you forgot were even there.

Jason Daniel
Jason Daniel

Jason Daniel paints vivid pictures of the folks on the outside looking in, evocative and lowdown, with an eye on Americana but really forging a genre of his own. Jason is a revelation. His music and lyrics cut to the bone with their raw sincerity.

Jason’s voice and delivery have a way of working their way into your heart. This one is going to be in there for a long time. An album populated by instantly sympathetic characters, a gently picked or carefully strummed acoustic guitar and cleverly written, heart-wrenching lyrics.

“When the Dam Breaks” will make you want to turn off the lights in your living room, put on some headphones, and revel in the emotion that runs through all of the tracks here. Jason’s vocals are poignant and sincere, especially on the two standouts tracks, at least for me, “Unfold” and “When the Dam Breaks”.  More songs which have immediate appeal include the sauntering guitar acoustics of the lovely “Hard to Believe” and the blustery “Far and Wide”.

Repeated listening reveals the depth and true poetry in the lyrics on this album. In fact, over and above Jason Daniel’s superb vocal deliveries, what makes this album quite exceptionally good, is Jason’s lyrics. He tells stories and conjures emotional states with exceptional depth and it gives the songs real impact.

It is always a joy to discover new music of this quality, and I will certainly be listening to Jason Daniel’s album repeatedly and getting more out of it each time. I’d recommend “When the Dam Breaks” very warmly to anyone who likes beautiful, thoughtful and intelligent songs that are acoustically driven and wonderfully sung.

For a limited time Jason is giving away 2 free songs from the EP, “When the Dam Breaks” at www.jasondanielsongs.com , so don’t forget to claim your slice of the cake!

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: www.jasondanielsongs.com
