equape: “Mahe Mind Waves” is atmospheric music for escapism…

equape is an electro-organic, ambient indie rock band from New York. The members of the band are Pablo J., Ray O., Dylan Z., Nader A., Desmond F. and Sasha Y. “Mahe Mind Waves” is an outtake single from the “Sense the Horses Rush” album sessions. It was recorded using sound clips of local birds and beach waves, captured by Pablo J, during his visit to the Seychelles. You don’t necessarily need written lyrics or powerful vocals for intense musical experiences. Just close your eyes, slip into this almost 7-minute slice of nirvana, and follow whatever feeling states draw to the surface as you listen.

Like the warm-looking and slightly tempestuous cover art, this music is the equivalent of a summer’s night, and the thoughts and emotions that are conjured with it: soothing, beautiful, dreamy, poignant, encircling, haunting and impassioned. The soundscape is mellow, lush and elegant, while the instrumentation is generally used in ambient fashion, which allows the emotional atmosphere to be created more effectively. The track is probably not recommended for listeners who want quick blasts of aggression, or who want short, catchy pop tunes. “Mahe Mind Waves” is atmospheric music for escapism, reading, relaxing, lovemaking and possibly other evocative pastimes.

The album cover
The album cover

Listening to segments of “Mahe Mind Waves” you may be fooled into thinking that equape is some experimental ‘new-age’ or ‘world-music’ ensemble. A trap I nearly fell into myself. Nothing could be further from the truth, equape deliver a blend of sounds the like of which you will hardly find elsewhere, and the true essence of the band, I believe, is to be found in their album, “Sense the Horses Rush”, rather than in this single, which is more of an extension of what they represent at the core.  Their music floats around you, fills in spaces that most conventional music can’t touch, and transports you to a different place in time, a time all at once beautiful, melancholic, emotional, and nostalgic.

equape will fill your soul in ways you’ll find comforting and unsettling. They will break down listening barriers with the unique use of the vocals or spoken words. They will extend beyond your comprehension the ability to translate emotion into music with very few lyrics. They will generate mental imagery more vividly and resonantly than most other bands can. To be crudely simple, equape will blow your mind, even after the umpteenth listen.

To truly, fully appreciate this band and the outtake single, “Mahe Mind Waves”, I recommend to first give the album, “Sense the Horses Rush”, your undivided attention, from start to finish – perhaps in the middle of the night. Turn off your eyes and let your ears take over- then on completion, move on to the single!


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Rick Jamm

Journalist, publicist and indie music producer with a fervent passion for electric guitars and mixing desks !

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