Steady Tek-Nick: “Thru The Flying Door” – a great explosion of spoken-word poetry!

Nick Antony Israel, also known as Steady Tek-Nick (alias Ti Granmoun Lan) is a young Haitian Hip-Hop prodigy who developed an interest for writing raps and audio engineering at an early age. In a country where any musical career choice is considered taboo, he wasted no time in applying his newly found skills to create songs and express his rebellious thoughts.

Steady Tek-Nick offers listeners a socially-conscious, honest, musically mature and lyrically transcendent collection of songs. Though his music can be primarily defined as hip-hip, and to be sure there are some great hip-hop tracks in his catalog, what is found on his latest single, “Thru The Flying Door” can more accurately be defined as ‘spoken-word poetry accompanied by music.’ Fans of Steady Tek-Nick’s style and performance will not be disappointed. Furthermore, varying musical influences lift this track above the confines of a strictly hip-hop recording.

Steady Tek-Nick
Steady Tek-Nick

It is this pushing of boundaries that makes it accessible even to those listeners whose main musical interest lies outside of hip-hop, while still carrying the standard of the best of what hip-hop has to offer, and has yet to fully embrace in some cases. Steady Tek-Nick is poignant in his observations, poetic in his presentation, and thorough in his outlook.

He sees the world through eyes that recognize not only the symptoms but also the afflictions, and a mind that is inquisitive enough to see the solutions and the possibility of something better. He refuses the notion that accepting the current and apparent state of our being is living up to true human potential.

Whether or not you like his peculiar style, Steady Tek-Nick has something valuable to offer, either musically or lyrically. “Thru The Flying Door” is a great explosion of creative energy, and many listeners will certainly be able to relate to this moving and memorable piece.

It is introspective, it is confessional and it sounds like a process of finally coming to terms with one’s appearance, one’s self and more importantly one’s self-responsibilities. The lyrics are powerful and should be heard by those impressionable youths who usually look to materialistic moguls or defeatist gangsters as surrogate role-models. Finally, in Steady Tek-Nick, they may have an artist worth listening to.


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