RaneRaps: “Desperate Desires” takes inspiration from divergent genres, lending a lilting zestfulness to the track

RaneRaps is a rapper and producer from Los Angeles, CA. He has been involved in making music seriously, since 2008 and has grown as an artist through his collective, iLLFolk, as well as his solo artistry. RaneRaps has dropped his track “Desperate Desires” and put it on FREE download too! Production credits on the track go to コンシャスTHOUGHTS! You can check out his page at @thoughts-7!

RaneRaps ( photo by Michelle Aquila)
RaneRaps ( photo by Michelle Aquila)

Here’s someone making music with talent and sincerity and courage. If you need proof of RaneRaps lyrical ability look no further than “Desperate Desires”, which he says is about “not giving into the grass is greener mentality, staying your course, and making the best of it!”

The one thing that threw me when I first listened to “Desperate Desires” was how it seemed like RaneRaps flow did not sync with the beat. At times he sounds like his going faster than the beat and it really gives the track a unique flow. After listening a few times it became clear that this specific rhyming flow is deliberate, as RaneRaps steps in and out of the beat at will. I give much credit to him here. I like the tone, melody, and how RaneRaps uses the beat at will. There aren’t too many rappers as original as RaneRaps.

“Desperate Desires” takes inspiration from divergent genres, such as: Jazz, Soul and R&B, lending a lilting zestfulness to the track. Moreover the beat’s debonairness assures an ambient sphere that perfectly matches the concept of the lyrics. In this world of bland, stale hip-hop, it’s nice to know there are artists who are still willing to push boundaries.

If you’ve given RaneRaps’ other projects a listen, you should have an idea of what to expect, at least that’s what I thought, but “Desperate Desires” is just so much better than anything else his ever done; at least in my book. From clever and honest lyrics to top notch production and a hypnotic vocal hook, RaneRaps delivers it all in this track!

Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/raneraps
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaneRaps
YouTube: http://bit.ly/1y3QOcK
IG: http://instagram.com/raneraps
RapGenius: www.rap.genius.com/RaneRaps
Toneden: https://www.toneden.io/raneraps
Tumblr: https://raneraps.tumblr.com


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Rick Jamm

Journalist, publicist and indie music producer with a fervent passion for electric guitars and mixing desks !

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